Conserving the coastal and marine ecosystems of the Upper Gulf of California requires a strong and integrated strategy that includes active community participation at all times. Only then will we be able to see results in the medium and long term. Each action must bring us closer to a state of equilibrium that allows fishing communities and marine biodiversity to coexist in harmony.

We strongly support the fishing communities of San Felipe, Baja California, where our efforts not only benefit them economically, but are critical to the survival of the vaquita, a species that is unfortunately the most endangered cetacean in the world.

Among many conservation actions that we carry out in San Felipe, the most important are in alliance with the fishermen committed to the use of sustainable fishing gear and the conservation of the marine ecosystem. It is with Pesca ABC with whom we collaborate closely, and together we launched the “2nd Tournament for the Collection and Recycling of Disused Fishing Gear”.

With the goal of removing abandoned fishing gear that seriously affects marine life and alters the desert landscape of Baja California, the community of San Felipe has been invited to participate in this fun tournament that will award prizes to those who bring in the largest amount of abandoned fishing nets by weight.

From February 1 to March 2, the materials, which can be nylon, monofilament, multifilament, polyethylene and polyamide, will be received at the Pesca ABC field station, where they will be registered and weighed. The prize-giving ceremony will take place on Saturday, March 2, at the same reception station.

In addition to Pesca ABC and Pronatura Noroeste, this event would not be possible without the participation of Ocean Conservancy, Cetaceans Action and Conservation, the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas, through the Upper Gulf of California and Colorado River Delta Biosphere Reserve, and the Global Ghost Gear Initiative.

You can help save the vaquita and the marine ecosystems of the Upper Gulf of California, join the cause!

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