A decade ago, it was unthinkable to contemplate the flight of hundreds of birds and the presence of reptiles, mammals and other animals in the Chausse forest. The reason is that, in short, that forest did not exist. In 2012, a group of environmentalists joined forces in the area to create a collective that would transform the ecosystem in the Colorado River Delta. 

Thus was born the Alianza Revive el Río Colorado, made up of various non-governmental organizations from Mexico and the U.S., including Pronatura Noroeste. On October 19, the Alliance celebrated the second edition of the “El Río Nos Une” Festival, in the Chausse forest.

This important event brought together 35 people, including conservation specialists, academics, local and federal government officials, businessmen and experts in wastewater treatment. They shared their knowledge and experience to strengthen the ecosystem and biodiversity of the Colorado River in Mexican territory. 

The festival strengthened social and cultural ties between the participating organizations, with the guidance of the host staff of Restauremos el Colorado and Pronatura Noroeste, who provided information on the native vegetation, birds and environmental services offered by the river and the forests recovered in the Delta.

“We are very interested in linking with the government, social and educational sectors, as well as the business sector,” said Yuli Dimas, our community involvement specialist in the Colorado River Delta region, highlighting the efforts of the organizations present.

During the Festival in the forest, relevant topics were discussed, such as: 

  • Background and environmental impact of the Colorado River in the region, as well as the achievement in the restoration of the border area.
  • Goals of the Alianza Revive el Río Colorado as a successful binational initiative. 
  • Presentation of the Executive Project of the Colorado River Linear Park, through which civil society seeks to improve the economic, political, environmental and cultural conditions in the San Luis Río Colorado and Mexicali stretch.
  • The environmental services provided by the Colorado River to the binational region and northwestern Mexico.  


The attendees enjoyed the musical theme of the Colorado River Linear Park, performed by Josue Molina and the group Cultura para Todos from San Luis Rio Colorado. They also performed an activity called Acciones por el Río (Actions for the River) in which the attendees expressed their relationship with the river. A kayaking session was also held in the riverbed. 

Undoubtedly, the event strengthens the sensitivity towards the Colorado River and its relevance on both sides of the border. Let’s not forget that this tributary supplies water to some 40 million people and feeds more than 2 million agricultural hectares in two states in Mexico (Baja California and Sonora) and seven in the U.S. (Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming). 

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