Pronatura Noroeste is proud to share that our Director of Conservation, Valeria Towns, has been appointed to the new National Council of Natural Protected Areas of the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (CONANP). This important step reinforces our commitment to the conservation and sustainable management of natural resources in northwestern Mexico.

Valeria Towns was sworn in along with 11 other board members, who join this renewal of the council, whose purpose is to strengthen representation and plurality in decision-making. The incorporation of new actors who, like Valeria, work and live in the country’s Natural Protected Areas (NPAs), ensures that the local perspective and direct experience in conservation are a fundamental part of the dialogue.

This renewal of the National Council of Natural Protected Areas seeks to broaden the diversity of voices in the discussion and planning of conservation policies. At Pronatura Noroeste, we welcome this pluralistic approach, which we believe will be key to facing the current and future challenges of protecting our ecosystems. A more representative and participatory council is essential to design solutions that respect both the natural wealth and the needs of the communities that depend on these areas.

“The appointment of Valeria Towns, Pronatura Noroeste’s Director of Conservation, as a member of the National Council of Natural Protected Areas, will allow our organization to collaborate more actively with the strengthening and supervision of the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas and its mission to conserve the best portions of Mexican territory: its natural protected areas,” said Gustavo D. Danemann, Executive Director of Pronatura Noroeste.

Our commitment to conservation goes beyond words. At Pronatura Noroeste, we will continue to work hand in hand with key stakeholders, such as Valeria and the renewed board, to ensure that decisions are backed by sound scientific information. The protection of Natural Protected Areas is an urgent and essential task for the well-being of our country, and we are confident that this new team will be able to meet these challenges with vision and determination.

We congratulate Valeria on this achievement and thank her for her dedication to the defense of our natural heritage. Her participation in this council is a reflection of the constant work we do at Pronatura Noroeste to promote an inclusive, collaborative and sustainable approach to conservation.

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