The Bahía Santa María ecosystem in Sinaloa faces an environmental problem due to contaminated water from the Cedritos Drain discharging in this wetland of international importance. In addition, the drain overflows during rainy season, causing social and public health problems. To find a solution, in November of 2019, Pronatura Noroeste promoted the creation of the Specialized Working Group (SWG) within the Cuenca de los Ríos Mocorito al Quelite Council, with the aim of developing a strategic plan.
The plan the SWG will present in the coming months will outline actions to improve the flow and management of the waters that discharge into the Cedritos Drain, with the aim of reducing pollution in the bay, odors, the loss or deterioration of buildings and housing constructions from sewage floods, and cutaneous and gastrointestinal diseases, which have impacted the Navolato society for 20 years.
The drain is approximately 46 kilometers long and transfers drainage from the agricultural, livestock, and fishing sectors; wastewater from homes in Navolato and Culiacán; and the Culiacancito, El Tamarindo, and Culiacán-Norte Culiacancito Wastewater Treatment Plants, among other sources of waste.
Regarding the need to complete this project, Sylvia M. de la Parra, Pronatura Noroeste On-site Technician said, “The whole ecosystem is affected. From the human populations to biodiversity, and everything that has contact, including indirect contact, with the drain.” In addition, the wetland brings economic support to families from nearby towns, “There are people who do come in contact with the bay, some even have direct contact because they fish or partake in economic activities in the area,” she added.

Experts from multiple sectors participate in the SWG: the H. Navolato City Council, the Sinaloa State Commission for Drinking Water and Sewage, the 1-2 A.C. Irrigation Module, the National Water Commission, the National Commission for Natural Protected Areas (CONANP), the Food and Development Research Center, the Sinaloan Institute of Aquaculture and Fishing, and Pronatura Noroeste.
Bahía Santa María is the habitat for several species, like the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) and the green iguana (Iguana iguana), which are “Subjects of Special Protection” according to NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010. The site also contains shorebirds like the Western sandpiper (Calidris mauri), the Marbled godwit (Limosa fedoa), and Wilson’s plover (Charadrius wilsonia), that are protected by the aforementioned NOM.
In 2016, Pronatura Noroeste created the Bahía Santa María Ecological Reserve, the first Natural Protected Area in this bay certified by CONANP. Therefore, involvement in the diagnostics of this issue is a priority for the association, as is every effort for the conservation and management of this ecosystem of high biological value.