The photographic exhibition “Leaves and Feathers” was inaugurated at the Urban Gallery of San Luis Río Colorado, a space that seeks to bring the community closer to the natural wealth of the region. This gallery, located on the international line, is the result of a collaboration between the Municipal Institute of Culture, the XXIX City Council of San Luis Río Colorado and Pronatura Noroeste.

The “Leaves and Feathers” exhibit is composed mainly of photographs of the region’s emblematic wildlife and flora, with a focus on the birds of the Colorado River Delta and the plants of the Sonoran Desert. Participating photographers include members of the Pronatura Noroeste team: Ecologist Eduardo Soto Montoya, who contributed images of shorebirds; Francisco Castillo, with photographs of the Miguel Alemán Restoration Site and local birds; and Yuliana Dimas Granillo, whose images include birds, plants, mammals, and reptiles.

Some of the species that can be seen in this exhibition include the Anna’s Hummingbird (Calypte anna), the American white pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos), the Red-Tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), the Long-Billed Curlew (Numenius americanus), and Willet (Tringa semipalmata), as well as representative plants such as the Cottonwood (Populus fremontii), the tule (Typha domingensis), the Honey mesquite (Neltuma glandulosa) and some shrubs and cacti.

In her words during the inaugural event, Yuliana Dimas thanked the City of San Luis Río Colorado for the collaboration and highlighted the relevance of the exhibition to make bird migration in the region more visible. “In the spring, 17 million birds cross and in the fall 14 million. Many times they go unnoticed, but here you can learn about the species that are part of this ecosystem,” said Dimas. He also stressed the importance of valuing desert flora species, such as mesquite and palo verde, which are often underestimated but play a fundamental role in the ecosystem, as they are low-maintenance and water-consuming.

This exhibition is an invitation for the community to learn about and value the biodiversity of the Colorado River Delta and Sonoran Desert region, promoting a closer connection with nature. We invite everyone to visit the Urban Gallery and be part of this visual experience that celebrates the wildlife and flora of our region.

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