The work of the regional representations of Pronatura AC across the country, through the National Program of birds, received the award for Administration / Management for the protection of birds for 2014 (PIF Stewardship Award) during the annual Partners in Flight event Awards for Exceptional contributions in Bird Conservation. The award, coordinated by Environment for the Americas, recognized the efforts of Pronatura AC since its founding in 1989, “has raised awareness for the conservation of resident and migratory birds.”
Pronatura Noroeste AC (Pronatura) and its work for conserving thick-billed parrot populations and their habitat in Mexico.
As part of the conservation program initiated in 1994 by Pronatura and ITESM, several old-growth forest areas in Chihuahua have been designated as protected areas. About 648 hectares of core habitat within these designated areas enjoy greater protection as part of a Payment for Environmental Services scheme. Work on establishing conservation easements on additional hectares is underway. A key component of the program has been the successful participation of local communities (ejidos) in various conservation actions, including; conservation easements, restoration activities, and monitoring of breeding sites. Additionally, the Pronatura/ITESM field team annually monitors about 6 key breeding sites by assessing population numbers, reproductive success, the extent of home ranges (radio-tracked birds), and health assessments of nesting pairs and their young. Through the years, ITESM/Pronatura has partnered with multiple agencies and groups from Mexico and abroad, including CONANP, Mexico’s National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR), AZGFD, San Diego Zoo Global, American Bird Conservancy, World Parrot Trust, and others, in support of this long-running conservation program.
About the Partner in flight awards
The 2014 award winners are:
CECILIA RILEY: PIF Achievement Award
DAN CASEY: PIF Leadership Award
KEN MEYER: PIF Research Award
PRONATURA, A. C.: Management Award
SHEYLDA MENDEZ DIAZ: PIF Award for Public Awareness
For more information about Partners in Flight, check: http://www.partnersinflight.org/