Aiming to generate an habitat for wildlife and recovering natural spaceswithin a stretch of the non-channeled Tijuana River, restoration actions will be carried out in order to rescue hydrological and ecological functions on the area. For this reason, we as Pronatura Noroeste (PNO) are pleased to announce our alliance with the Secretary of Environment and Sustainable Development of the State Government, currently headed by Monica Vega, as well as her work team: Pamela Rodriguez, Director of Environmental Policy and Climate Change; Leonardo Esparza, Director of Environmental Management, and Karen Lopez, of Coordination and Liaison. They all joined a tour offered by PNO´s oceanologist Gabriela Caloca, Water and Wetlands Coordinator.
The Tijuana Río Conecta project is financed by the Coca Cola Foundation, represented in Tijuana by Corporación del Fuerte in alliance with Pronatura México. Raul Castañeda, Public Affairs and Communication Manager, and Francisco Martin del Campo, Quality Assurance Manager of Corporación del Fuerte, also accompanied PNO on this tour.

The area will soon be cleaned up with the support of the government, businessmen and the community, to remove the solid waste that has reached the site and remove the debris. In the short term we intend to restore the site, give workshops to children from state schools near the river so that they can learn about the importance of the place. It is intended also to create a proper community space upon the landscape, for local people to observe the flora and fauna, and above all, to turni it into a public and open space for the enjoyment of the Tijuana people.