For my first mission with Pronatura Noroeste, I had to promote the conservation of whale sharks and rocky reefs in Bahía de los Ángeles, with the support of the Bahía de los Ángeles Young Environmentalists, a group formed some time ago by Benjamín Casillas (RIP).

Among the participants was Jessica, whom I knew very little. However, at that moment, her presence reassured me, I felt at home. I was thrilled and started working with the kids, some of them from elementary school, others from high school. 

Everyone knows I’m short; how could I ever have imagined that in Bahía de los Ángeles all the children were so big! It was funny for everyone to see us walking around town; the moms laughed and teased me about how I was going to tame so many of them, all so tall. True, back then I didn’t know how to engage with them, but I learned, day after day. 

Among my many activities, a major one was a drawing contest; the original theme being whale sharks and rocky reefs, however, the children submitted drawings of sea turtles, a species close to the community. 

In the third year of the contest, we decided to award the winners with a whale shark watching boat trip, since at that time it was an animal unknown to most people, even though the species is a regular visitor to Bahía de los Ángeles.

Finally, the big day arrived. The winners were ready to meet the whale shark. The little ones were accompanied by their parents. 

Everyone was thrilled!

With the elementary group, we had the opportunity to swim in the sea. I don’t know at what moment, as I was kicking my feet in search of the Whale Shark, I ran face to face with it. I couldn’t believe it! I’m not going to lie to you, I know he can’t do anything to us, he’s harmless, but with so many children in charge, I couldn’t contain my anxiety.

Obviously, nothing happened in the end. Or rather, it did. There was laughter, we all swam happily, all of us making community in contact with nature in a playful way. 

Are you aware of the impact of such experiences? Years later, I keep talking to some of those young people, now adults. Many of them remember that day of swimming with whale sharks with enthusiasm, some of them even confess that their lives changed after that event. Like Carlos and Hugo, who studied communication and have participated with us in conservation campaigns; Beto, now a community delegate, and Jessica, a proud environmental lawyer from Pronatura Noroeste. 

I’m telling you, the impact is real.

Author: Lizz Gónzález, Conservation Education Coordinator

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