More than 22,000 hectares make Bahia Magdalena the most important wetland complex in the Baja California peninsula. Our mission is to collaborate directly with the local community so they are the true guardians of their environment.

The Guardians of Bahia Magdalena are volunteers of all ages involved in the protection of the local mangroves. The fundraising is expected to cover the training of 50 guardians, as well as the purchase of equipment so that the local community can be the main custodians of the biodiversity that is part of their life and development.

Bahia Magdalena is known worldwide as the sanctuary of the Gray Whale (Eschrichtius robustus) and habitat of an amazing biodiversity, including some protected species of flora and fauna.

Prepare your agenda: this November 28 will be #GivingTuesday, the perfect time to support the Guardians of Bahia Magdalena.

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