During ceremony of delivery of the Ecological Merit Award 2016, in Cancun, Quintana Roo.
Cancun, Quintana Roo, December 4, 2016.- Pronatura Noroeste received the Ecological Merit Award 2016 in the framework of the Conference of Parties (COP 13), on the Agreement on Biological Diversity, in the city of Cancun, Quintana Roo. The ceremony, held Sunday December 4 2016 at the International Convention Center in Cancun, was chaired by Rafael Pacciano Alamán, Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat).
Gustavo D. Danemann, executive director of Pronatura Noroeste, who made the use of voice in correspondence for the 41 individuals and organizations that were selected in the different categories of the prize, stated:
“Our effort, executed from different trenchesand with very diverse approaches, transcends time and accumulates decades of experience“.
In addition to the above, Danemann stressed that the award was dedicated to all the people who, within the immensity and beauty of the country, strive to live as established in the Declaration of Cancun, in harmony with nature: “We have lost some battles, butgained many others, and we hope to achieve even greater success thanks to the work that we can and must do, jointly, governmentand civil society”, he said.
México hosts COP 13, which takes place from 5 to 16 of December in Cancun, Quintana Roo; the proposed main theme is “The integration of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the sectorial and inter-sectorial plans, programs and policies, with emphasis on sectors of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and tourism”.
We reproduce the full text of the words directed by the Executive Director of Pronatura Noroeste, A. C. to the attendees to the award ceremony:
Distinguished members of Presidium
Colleagues of Civil Society
Children, Ladies and Gentleman:
People receiving today the Ecological Merit Award along with Honorific Mentions are just a small sample of the many individuals, organizations and companies that work in México to promote wellbeing through the conservation of biodiversity and promotion of sustainable development. Our effort, executed from different trenches and with very diverse approaches transcends time and accumulates decades of experience. Getting ahead of this day, we have advocated for years for the same principles and values that are now reflected in the Declaration of Cancun subscribed by participant countries in this Conference of Parties on the Agreement on Biological Diversity, which begins stating that “living in harmony with Nature is an essential fundamental condition for the wellness of all forms of life”.
Thus, the work of these people, organizations and companies has been essential until now for the conservation of Mexico’s natural capital. We have lost some battles, but have gained many others, and we hope to achieve even greater success thanks to the work that we can and must do, jointly, government and civil society. Our status as a megadiverse country, now a signatory of this Declaration of Cancun, imposes the responsibility of attending and resolving fundamental problems faced by conservation, biodiversity and promotion of sustainable development in our country. We have the power, all we need is will, decision and commitment.
I want to dedicate this Ecological Merit Award to all those people who, within the immensity and beauty of our country, strive for a México that lives as established in the Declaration of Cancun, in harmony with nature. Also, I hope that as a country we will have the intelligence and necessary virtue so that this effort allows our children to enjoy, in the future, the same extraordinary nature that presently nourishes us, makes us proud and gives us motive.
Thank you very much.