The International Coastal Cleanup is a global initiative led by Ocean Conservancy that began more than 30 years ago. In the municipality of Ensenada, civil society organizations, the Baja Californian public, and governmental and academic institutions gathered on September 21st to collect and document trash found along the coast.
Last Saturday, September 21st, thousands of volunteers gathered on beaches around the world to collect, sort, and count the type of waste found. All of these data are sent to Ocean Conservancy, an organization with 30 years of experience conducting this type of work and generating global statistics with which local change can be made.
The top 10 trash items (in order) found on the coasts around the world are:
- Cigarette butts
- Plastic bottles
- Bottle caps
- Plastic bags
- Disposable plates
- Glass bottles
- Wrappers
- Paper bags
- Straws/wrappers
- Beverage cans