Save The Waves, Pronatura Noroeste and local community closer to achieving the first protected state park in Baja California

In partnership with Pronatura Noroeste of Mexico, Save The Waves Coalition (STW) has supported a local initiative to create the first State Park in Baja California. This year, the dream of protecting the iconic surf ecosystem at San Miguel is in sight.

After years of consideration by various government agencies and edits to technical documents, the State Government of Baja California will officially request public comment on the project.  This is one of the final steps before the State Park is confirmed by the Governor.  To show the overwhelming support of residents and international visitors alike, Pronatura Noroeste and Save The Waves  have reactivated the petition to protect this incredible surf ecosystem.  Show your support and ensure the protection of iconic wave at  San Miguel.

In 2007, Pronatura Noroeste prepared the first technical document for the Arroyo de San Miguel State Park. With the nomination of Bahía de Todos Santos World Surf Reserve in 2014, STW joined Pronatura Noroeste and collaborated on a new version of the technical document, accompanied by numerous letters of support, an online petition, and a website  

Save The Waves also completed a Surfonomics report in 2014, revealing surf tourism brings hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to communities around San Miguel – demonstrating the economic importance of protecting the watershed.  This study also interviewed hundreds of local surfers, and 95% of the respondents strongly support creating the State Park.  80% of surf tourists responded that they would be willing to pay an entrance fee to support a State Park in the area.


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