Since 2019 we have been partners of GlobalGiving, a crowdfunding platform that allows us to share projects with people like you interested in the conservation of northwestern Mexico.
Year after year, GlobalGiving promotes for a week the Little by Little campaign, which recognizes the causes of their partners and celebrates the small actions that generate a great change. In addition to these actions, GlobalGiving encourages investors’ generosity.
In 2022, the Little by Little week will be from April 4th to 8th. During these days GlobalGiving will increase the investments received by the projects, in two ways:
- An additional 50% on investments up to 50 dollars;
- A 100% on the monthly donations starting in the fourth month.
As Pronatura Noroeste, we have joined the Little by Little campaign with an ecosystem transforming project called Pollinator Garden. This is part of the Colorado River Delta restoration initiative, placed in the Miguel Aleman Restoration site, an extensive area of 170 hectares of forest that offers shelter and food to local fauna.
The Pollinator Garden is important for ecosystem balance, the reproduction of flora, and fauna species like the Queen Butterfly, the Dainty Sulphur, the White-lined Sphinx, the Coccinella septempunctata, the Honey Bee, the Desert Harvester Ant, the Cotinis mutabilis, the Costa’s Hummingbird, and Anna’s Hummingbird.
An additional benefit is the air cleaning, provided by the restoration site to the surrounding communities of the Mexicali Valley, Baja California, and the city of San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora.
Likewise, the Pollinator Garden will be a space for family recreation, ideal for residents and visitors.
We invite you to learn about this project and support this noble conservation cause during Little by Little week. Like the silent work of pollinators, small actions can make a big impact.